MIAGI Orchestra ‘Searching the African Footprint’
This year’s edition of our orchestra takes a slightly new turn on our existing profile. We create
our original orchestra sound by fusing a classical orchestra with a full jazz band and top it with
a huge percussion ensemble. Naturally this unique lineup requires an equally unique program.
Therefore, we went on a search for the African footprint. What we found was an exciting
program in the field of tension between African diaspora and the overcoming of ethnic
differences and we will be presenting following composers in special arrangements by David
Panzl and Markus Geiselhart, for our orchestra of 62 musicians: George Gershwin, the United
States (1898 – 1937), Anders Paulsson, Sweden (1961 - ), Tshepo Tsotetsi, South Africa (1991
- ), Musawenkosi Mdluli, South Africa (1991 - ), Silvestre Revueltas, Mexico (18
99 – 1940), Joe
Zawinul, Austria (1932 – 2007), Marcus Geiselhart, Germany/Austria (1977 - ), David Panzl,
Austria (1985 - ), Viwe Mkizwana, South Africa (1983 - ), Miles Davis, the United States (1921
– 1991)
It is possible that opportunities arises for the entire touring programme, or selected works in
it, to be recorded.
The African diaspora that originally due to slave trade populated Mexico, Cuba and North
America from the 1500s onwards, and the footprints they created there are well documented.
In this programme we are searching these musical footprints among others through Mexican,
Cuban, American, Malian, Austrian and not the least, also through our South African young
composers and creative footprint searchers. A number of the young musicians that MIAGI has
supported, educated and promoted throughout the years have developed into skilful
improviser composers with their capabilities anchored in both classical, jazz, and urban music
In December 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 68/237 by which it
proclaimed 2015 to 2024 to be the International Decade for People of African Descent, with
the theme “People of African descent: recognition, justice and development”. One of the
specific objectives for the International Decade:
To promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, culture and
contribution of people of African descent to the development of societies4 of 5
Although the MIAGI Orchestra finds its roots in the townships of South Africa, MIAGI has since 2003
focused on developing a programme where young people from all over the country and from all walks
of life have musically engaged through the orchestra programme.
Over the years the orchestra developed into the internationally feted MIAGI Orchestra, an orchestra
that has performed not only in South Africa, but toured Europe extensively in 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016,
2018 am 2019. The ensemble most profoundly demonstrates the interconnectedness and mutually
enriching dialogue between the African traditional, jazz, Western classical, contemporary and urban
music styles of today.
Major festivals where the MIAGI Orchestra performed: Carinthischer Sommer (two festival seasons),
Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele (three festival seasons), Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival (two festival
seasons), Young Euro Classic (five festival seasons), Gustav Mahler Festival Toblach, Verbier Festival,
Robeco Summer Concerts Amsterdam (two festival seasons).
Major concert halls where MIAGI Orchestra performed: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Berliner
Philharmonie, Young Euro Classic at Konzerthaus Berlin, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Palais des
Beaux-Arts Brussels.
Other major venues that have hosted the MIAGI Orchestra: The Almedalen Week Democratic Forum
in Visby Sweden, Rikssalen at the Royal Castle in Stockholm and the European Parliament in Brussels.
Film participation Documentary about MIAGI and our orchestra in the context of the legacy of Nelson
Mandela, directed by Oscar-winning director of short documentary Orlando von Einsiedel, produced by
The Nobel Prize and presented by The Nobel Prize and National Geographic.
MIAGI Orchestra’s conductors: Cem Mansur, Maxim Vengerov, Patrick Lange, Marino Formenti,
Christian Muthspiel, Sasha Mäkilä, Brandon Phillips, Duncan Ward, Daniel Spaw
MIAGI Orchestra’s soloists: Daniel Hope, Anders Paulsson
MIAGI Orchestra has received support from among others: the Government of the Republic of South
Africa, the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of South Africa, the Swedish International
Development Agency through the Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria, the Government of Finland through
the Embassy of Finland in Pretoria, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the
Embassy of Germany in Pretoria, the Goethe Institut, the Government of Austria through the Embassy
of Austria in Pretoria and the National Lottery Commission.
Total South Africa Pty Ltd/South Africa, Lanxess Pty Ltd/South Africa, Daun &Cie. AG, Mercedes-Benz
South Africa Ltd, Robert Bosch Pty Ltd/South Africa, Yellowwoods Ventures Investments Pty Ltd.
Barbara and Wilfried Mohr Foundation, Förderverein Khayelitsha, Oppenheimer Memorial Trust,
Fynbos Ekwiteit Propriety.
