Brigitte Wilfing, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong: growing sideways. Choreographic composition in relapsing behavior patterns (2021 UA) - 60'
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong: turntables, performance, artistic direction
Brigitte Wilfing: choreography, voice, performance, artistic direction
Andrew Champlin: Dance, Performance
Mirjam Kleber: horn, dance
Alfredo Ovalles: keyboard instruments, dance
David Christopher Panzl: percussion, dance
TE-R: New Media, Performance Louise Linsebolz & Thomas Wagensommerer
Dalma Sarnyai: production organization assistant
Laura Schroeder: Assistance scenography, costumes
Sabina Holzer: choreographic advice
Lise Lendais: scenography, costume
Florian Bogner: Sound design
Jan Maria Lukas: Light design
Stepping aside and feeling forward, growing sideways between the traces of the past and looking back with foresight to a sideways progress. Suddenly we have the future breathing down our necks. How many steps can we step back? Will we be caught with a hug or will we fall into the abyss?
The expression of development and improvement through the image of progress, the localization of the future in front of us has written itself into our bodies and is reflected in the way we live and work. The programmatic title invites to add new directions of growth to the Western paradigm of progress and is taken literally by the performers as a choreographic-compositional instruction. Game and movement modes are twisted right-left, vice versa, in order to indulge in playful reorientations, reverse twists and other wild growths.
In growing sideways - their third joint production at Wien Modern - Brigitte Wilfing and Jorge Sánchez-Chiong show another form of music theater at the transitions from choreography and composition. Together with the Assemble andother stage they initiate a collaborative work process in which they confront themselves with impossibilities. (Brigitte Wilfing)