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Posthuman Social Club #3


***Performances and concerts by


  ***short Introduction into Stenger's philosophy by Kilian Jörg

Film: ISABELLE STENGERS  building hope on the edge of the  abyss.  A DOCUMENTARY BY FABRIZIO TERRANOVA, 75'  | 2023

***KILIAN JÖRG & SAMUEL TORO PÉREZ & BRIGITTE WILFING  slowing down in times of catastrophe

Somatic and performative debriefing of the film

Isabella Forciniti · analogue synthesizers, electronics, performance

Kilian Jörg · performance, somatic lecturing

Otto Krause · costume-contribution

Alfredo Ovalles · keyboards, electronics

David Panzl · percussion

Jorge Sánchez-Chiong · turntables, electronics

Samuel Toro Pérez · e-guitar, electronics

Brigitte Wilfing  ·  performance, somatic lecturing

This 3rd edition of the ‹posthuman social club› is devoted to the philosopher Isabelle Stengers. We host the Austrian premiere of her bio-pic "Isabelle Stengers - Building Hope on the Edge of the Abyss", by Fabrizzio Terranova and are curating a program of performance, music, lecture and somatic experience around her' vast body of thought.

Isabelle Stengers is one of the leading influences not only for "post-humanist" discourses and practices, but for ecologically minded philosophy in general. Her decade-long work on sciences, politics and ecology has influenced many prominent scholars such as Donna Haraway or Bruno Latour,

With the 'posthuman social club' we want to think outside of the box of what has been labeled “the human realm of Reason” and develop new regimes of perception, sensuality and corporeality that can with care and afterthought lead us the way away from our humanist, modern form of making and thinking the world to more inclusive ways of sharing many worlds with other critters.

In the permeation of choreography and composition, with club culture, philosophy, ecology and media art we invite speculation of what a post-human social – or even a post-human society – could actually mean. We cannot overcome the euro- and anthropocentric, often misogynistic and racist tendencies of the „Enlightenment“ tradition overnight. The 'posthuman social clubs' are a sensual attunement, cultivation, celebration, exultation, differentiation and problematisation of these [post-human] desires.

A production by andother stage in cooperation with Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) Supported by the City of Vienna Culture (MA7).


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