concert performance
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andother stage
Voyage 2 concept, composition, performance | Thomas Wagensommerer
choreography, electronics, performance | Bridget Wilfing
Projection Environment, Performance TE -R (Lensenbolz/Wagensommerer)
Percussion, Performance | David Panzl
electronics, performance | Jorge Sanchez-Chiong
Technology | Peter Koger
The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary performance and workshop series VOYAGE at the interface of choreography and composition takes place in the outskirts of Vienna and serves as an urban and cultural reflection and projection surface. In Seestadt, where the Aspern airfield was once located and today a district for over 40,000 people, rhythm as an urban tempo, as a reflection of rapid change, as a narrative of identification, as the familiar and the foreign, is the vehicle for artistic abstractions. VOYAGE wants to intoxicate and transport you to other, virtual worlds and is an invitation to speculative fiction.
andother stage - transdisciplinary assembly for choreographic composition and artistic research.
andother stage is not the longing for another stage, but for slipping and meandering between the rooms and discourses, regardless of whether it's the kitchen table or the big stage. An appropriation of artistic research to encourage other ways of working and forms of encounter. The focus is on the process and its nature. Works are formed from it as by-products - as a temporary formulation of precise decisions, from which we as travelers return to the pulse of research, in which we never stop being curious.
founded in 2019 by the choreographer Brigitte Wilfing and the composer Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, in collaboration with the media art collective TE-R.
Supported and in cooperation with seeLab and mediaOpera Vienna. Funded by MA7, BKA, ske. more information: https://vimeo.com/andotherstage/about